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Delete Temporary Files from your Computer

Updated: Oct 13, 2021

Did you know that with loads of temporary files, many of the things you use your computer to slow it down? Files that are no longer required but take up space and hamper the output of your computer. This is not the way it has to be. Remove your temporary files and free up space for your disk.

What are Temporary Files?

Temporary files are essentially what the title on the tin means. Use Apps and your OS to create temporary backups or record user sessions. There are various types of temp files, such as the leftover files from the new OS update, error logs, configuration files, updates, files in your tank, temporary internet files, such as cache and cookie data, and backups generated by applications that you are currently running.

Normally such files are automatically deleted, but this is not always the case. If your session ends unexpectedly, your computer will hold backup files, assuming you will need them in the future. Temp files are typically not malicious (unless you mistakenly upload malware and keep it in your download folder), but they are still piling up your storage space and strangling it.

Deleting Temporary Files on Windows 10

There are a few ways to delete temp files on Windows.

  1. Close any active apps.

  2. Click on the Start menu and select Settings.

  3. Select System.

  4. Select Space on the left side of the menu. Double-click on files that are temporary.

  5. You can choose the temp files you want to delete here. Tap Delete files.

  6. If you want to automatically delete temp files, go back and move the bar to the right under Space.

Or you could manually delete temp files by locating your temp folder.

  1. Close any active apps.

  2. Press Windows + R and enter %temp%.

  3. Open the Temp folder and choose the files and folders that you want to delete. Unless you are told that they are in use, you should be safe to remove any of these files.

  4. Delete.

  5. Empty Recycle Bin.

Deleting Temporary Files on macOS

  1. Close any applications that are involved.

  2. Go to the Finder and drag the menu Go down.

  3. Pick a library. Select Go To Folder and join ~/Library if it is not open.

  4. Go to the directory of Caches.

  5. Here you will see your computer encrypted cache and temporary data. Choose the ones you want to disable and transfer them to Trash.

  6. Now go to Trash and there also delete your files.


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