Feel safe online: anywhere, anytime
Protect your online traffic with cutting-edge technologies. Browse your favorite websites securely.

STEP 1 Choose your plan

1 Month
$9.99 billed once

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3 years plan
$ 3.33/months
1 Year ​
$27.99 billed once

Lifelong plan

$55.99 billed once VIP for ever
STEP 2 Enter your email
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STEP 3 Select your preferred payment method
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Hotspot VPN 12 months plan
1 Year plan 77% discount
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By clicking the “Buy Now” button and purchasing, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. To ensure uninterrupted access after your subscription ends, you agree that your subscription will renew for another term using the payment method provided. You may turn off auto-renewal at any time by visiting our FAQ page. Please check your email with subscription details.
Hotspot VPN Premium:

Military-grade encryption
Optimized for Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, Disney+, and more
150+ virtual locations in 100+ countries
HD streaming with unlimited data
Secure up to 5 connected devices
24/7 live support
30-day money-back guarantee